The Trip to South Korea
The Trip to South Korea
From SSC School President, Ms Trixie Suarez: I was surprised and can’t thank enough Parents who went out of their way to welcome me to their home country. Such was the case when I, along with Teacher Janice (Head of School for Secondary & Pre-University), were in Seoul recently to accompany SSC delegates to HMCA 2023.
Upon arrival, Ms Hyeji already had boxes of heat packs ready for us (what a lifesaver, as it went as cold as -6 degrees)! Then on our 3rd night, a dinner fit for royalty featuring the best of Korean food, hosted by Ms Ara. I value so much also our coffee shop conversations about the past and future of our children!
SSC Alumna Youmin (Class of 2022) also took Teacher Janice and me to see her school, SEOUL UNIVERSITY (Korea’s #1). We talked about her current journey, including plans to mentor other aspirants who want to reach for the “SKY” or Korea’s Top 3, an extraordinary feat that Youmin achieved.
Thank you again for making us feel most welcome in Korea; even the weather chimed in by dropping some of the softest, most beautiful snow I have ever seen. Gamsahabnida!

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