Singapore School of Cebu

Learner Profile

(for PreSchool, Primary & Secondary School)

At Singapore School Cebu, our curriculum and approach strives to produce pupils who (are):

Eager Enquirers and Knowledgeable
  • is curious, asks questions
  • is developing his/her enquiry and research skills
  • is well-informed and aware of what is happening around him/her
  • is an eager, independent and motivated life-long learner
Responsible & Productive
  • can be depended on
  • is diligent and persevering to see tasks through to the end
  • does work on his/her own initiative
  • turns in quality work on time
Critical Thinkers & Problem Solvers
  • can analyse and evaluate a variety of situations
  • has or is developing awareness and understanding of how he/she learns to optimise his/her learning in the classroom
  • is able to deal with different situations appropriately
  • initiates responsible action on complex problems
Confident Communicators
  • capable of expressing himself/herself confidently
  • is an effective communicator, can be easily understood
  • is developing being a user of at least 3 languages
  • active collaborators
Creative & Innovative
  • shows originality and inventiveness in various outputs while understanding real world limits to adopting new ideas
  • employs a wide range of ideas and techniques when facing challenges in school
  • employs a wide range of ideas and techniques when facing challenges in social situations
  • adept in the use of technology
  • recognises and understands his/her own strengths and weaknesses
  • works towards knowing how to best support his/her development
  • cares for oneself
  • cares for one’s property
Open-Minded & Reflective
  • willing to try new things
  • takes risks and learns from the experience
  • always works towards maximising his/her potential
  • views failing as an opportunity to learn
Caring & Principled
  • empathises and shows compassion and respect for others
  • acts with honesty and integrity; is able to differentiate right from wrong and stands up for what is good and right
  • exercises discipline and proper decorum; obeys school rules and regulations
  • takes responsibility of his/her actions and is aware of how it can affect others
  • recognises the importance of holistic development
  • is pursuing an interest, be it via a Club & Varsity, CCA or After School in the campus or outside
  • shows effort in the development of one’s physical development
  • shows effort in the development of one’s social and emotional development
Global Citizens
  • recognises one’s part and role in the global community
  • is eager to learn about other cultures and perspectives
  • keeps up with local and world events
  • values their interdependence with mother earth and the world