Singapore School of Cebu


In SSC Pre-University, we nurture thinkers in action through the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP), one of the world’s most recognised university qualifications and is renowned for its academic standards and global perspectives. This programme further hones the thinking, research, communication, social and self-management skills of Pre-U SSCians, which are vital in helping them understand how they learn best, and thrive.


In SSC Pre-U, you will often hear about breadth and depth, academic rigor, and strong university preparation. However, it’s more than just grades:

•  it’s exploring how you know what you claim to know through Theory of Knowledge (TOK);

• it’s personal development and service through Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS); and

•  it’s investigating a topic of interest through the Extended Essay (EE).


This is a transformative journey like no other. To our incoming Pre-U 1, welcome! To Pre-U 2, carry on!

It takes a village to raise a child; thus Parents, join us Teachers as we journey along SY 2024-2025 with your children. SSC’s 14th, here we come!


Teachers Mia and Brazil

Department Coordinator and Co-coordinator


Pre-University 1    16 years old at the start of the School Year

Pre-University 2    17 years old at the start of the School Year

*Note that we do not allow intake at Pre-University 2 level.


mid-Aug to early-Jun / 2 Terms


1. Studies in Language and Literature


English A: Language and Literature HL and SL


Theory of Knowledge (TOK)

Extended Knowledge (EE)

Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS)

*All Core subjects are mandatory

2. Language Acquisition

Language ab initio: Mandarin SL

Language ab initio: French SL (via Pamoja)

Language ab initio: Spanish SL (via Pamoja)

3. Individuals and Societies

Business Management HL and SL

Psychology HL and SL

4. Sciences

Biology HL and SL

Chemistry HL and SL

Computer Science HL and SL

Physics HL and SL

5. Mathematics

Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches HL and SL

*The course offerings indicated here are for SY2024-2025. The list may still change without prior notice.


4x a week (F2F) from 8:15am-4:30pm

1x a week (SSC-DL) from 8:15am-4:30pm


No more than 20 Pupils in a Section/House


IB Diploma at the end of Pre-University 2

Pre-U1: Singapore and Asian Schools Math Olympiad (SASMO)for Maths

Pre-U1: Vanda National Junior Science Olympiad (VNJSO) for Science




Included in the Enrolment Fees are materials such as books, pupil’s kits, school supplies and other class-related activities. Not included are snacks and After School programmes. Please contact to enrol in SSC Pre-University.