PreSchool’s 100th Day of School
PreSchool’s 100th Day of School
Perhaps you’ve heard the loud countdown our PreSchoolers have been making leading to the milestone that they celebrate every school year… their 100TH DAY OF SCHOOL!
And what a surprise their Teachers prepared for them last 09 Feb! There were the colourful decorations, tasty treats and fun games that made for an unforgettable adventure filled with laughter and endless delight.
Of course, the traditions remained; namely the 100-Day Calendar Count, 100-Second challenge, and 100th Day MOVE! But, beyond the merriment and mirth, the 100th Day of School celebration brought valuable lessons and takeaways for both Pupils and Teachers alike. From the importance of perseverance to the joys of togetherness, the event served as a reminder to cherish every moment and embrace the journey ahead with enthusiasm and grit. Truly, it is and will always be “The Best Day Ever!”

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