From SSC’s Pupil Council: After 3 years, ANTS Day is finally back! No, not those ants: rather, ANTS Day stands for Appreciation for Non-Teaching Staff Day!! And the Pupil Council is most proud to have organised this event alongside our School President.
As part of our appreciation, we gave our Non-Teaching Staff the AFTERNOON OFF last Feb 28! But not before honouring the 46 UNSUNG HEROES, who walked the RED CARPET accompanied by the endless cheers of our Preschool and Primary School SSCians!!
In the afternoon, we brought back W.I.S.E.S. for Secondary and Pre-University: Walking in Someone Else’s Shoes, in this case, our very dear Non-Teaching Staff! Doing this allowed SSCians to embody the spirit of LitFest 2023, blazing trails of EMPATHY to truly understand how important these 46 unsung heroes are to our school.
Thank you to the SSC Community for your support and cooperation during ANTS Day (i.e. kids had to take care of dismissal time)! Here’s to honouring our Non-Teaching Staff not just on their special day, but every day: knowing their names and greeting them with a smile every time you pass by them in the hallways!