Grandparents’ Day
Grandparents’ Day

Let’s remember and celebrate our dear GRANDPARENTS this Sunday, 13 Sep, on their special day!

At SSC, we invited our Grandparents these past 2 days to join us in our Distance Learning! Some “zoomed” in from the US, Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan and other parts of the Philippines and as young as 82 years old, they danced, they sang, they learnt how to unmute and shared the following pieces of advice for the youth too:

Be Grateful!
Take care of your siblings, of one another!
Eat more home-cooked meals!
Be always respectful to your elders!
Just do it, try new things!
Listen to your Parents!
Remember, FAMILY is most important!

Tears were shed as well, as some Grandparents shared how long they have not seen nor hugged their Grandkids due to the lockdowns and safety risks from COVID-19. Thus, we hope this event somehow brought them joy, knowing we are all thinking about them and asking that they continue to stay safe! HAPPY GRANDPARENTS’ DAY!

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