Php 134,796.81! That’s how much we raised in our Back To School (BTS) Fair for the benefit of our friends from Umapad Elementary School (UES). Whereas their campus still needs repair from Typhoon Odette last Dec, F2F classes have resumed. For a community that wasn’t likewise spared from the economic slowdown of the pandemic, we have pledged to provide all 900 students of UES with the daily mask wear that is mandated. Some have also shared their inability to afford school uniforms; thus, we are ready to provide such to them.
And this is possible from the efforts of the SSC Admin, Pupil Council and Houses from Secondary and Pre-University in holding the BTS Fair, where we saw our community actively participate and show their generosity. #SSCcares
At the same time, we are genuinely grateful to the School Leadership Team of Umapad Elementary School for allowing and motivating us these past 8 years to be of service and help when we can. With learning poverty currently at 90% in the Philippines, we must do our part in reducing that by working and helping one another when we can.