Sec and Pre-Homeroom Makeover
Sec and Pre-Homeroom Makeover
How do you transform a relatively blank, grey-walled classroom into an environment that fosters learning? At SSC’s Secondary and Pre-University levels, that responsibility is handed to the pupils! It’s a process where different personalities immediately shine—and sometimes even clash. Leaders emerge, artists amaze with their creativity, and hard workers make it all happen!
In line with this year’s shoutout, Thinkers in Action, we watched as SSCians in Secondary and Pre-University made their thinking visible (MTV) during the Homeroom Makeover. They planned, organised, communicated and brought their ideas to life.
S1A: House of Emotions – Best Themed House
S1B: House of Energy – Best Homeroom Makeover
S2A: House of Eunoia – Most Collaborative House & Most Creative House
S2B: House of Fleur – Most Collaborative House
S3A: House of Rhythm – Best Homeroom Makeover, Most Collaborative House, and Most Resourceful
S3B: House of Riptide – Best Themed House
Pre-U 1B: House of Sigmas – Most Resourceful House
Pre-U 2A: House of Game On – Most Creative House
Pre-U 1A: House of Cinem8trx – Best Themed House
Pre-U 2B: House of Dreams – Best House Makeover

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