UNSW’s ICAS Awardees
UNSW’s ICAS Awardees

After two years, due to the Covid pandemic, SSCians got to sit again last Aug 2022 for UNSW’s ICAS Assessments! And here are the results for ICAS Maths, Science & English!

SSC is one of the very few schools outside of Singapore that sits for ICAS 2022 administered by SIMCC, which this year saw 9000 Pupils join, mainly from Singapore, covering levels Primary 3 to Pre-University 1 level (about 1000 takers per level). We are very proud to see SSCians rank in the top percentile! In fact, this year, we have two, in the person of S4’s Charlene Jessica Lim and Pre-U 1’s Chungbi Yoon, who garnered the top score for English for their respective levels!

Congratulations SSCians, and a special shout out to SSC’s Teaching & Learning Head, Teacher Mae Ann and Subject Teachers, who organise the school’s participation in these international benchmark assessments.

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